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Peggy’s Strands of Heaven is a knitter’s sanctuary, snuggled in the Historic Downtown Plainfield, Illinois. Offering all the comforts of home; pleasant conversation, coffee & tea, an oversized sofa near the fireplace, and a stash beyond your wildest dreams. Our fibers have been hand selected to tantalize your senses. Every inch of space in our store is filled with a rainbow of color in strands of Alpaca, Buffalo, Camel, Cashmere, Cotton, Lama, Mohair, Silk and Wool.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Forgive Me Fellow Knitter's for I have sinned, it's been two months since my last post. We have alot of catching up to do. At this point I am sure most people have figured out that I am still navigating my way through the Internet/Computer scene and it ain't pretty. I find it sad that my 8 & 12 year old children are better at it than me. For those of you who might have attempted to access my website and found it down or possibly old information on it, please accept my apologize in advance. Some days I am better at using the software than others, and some days I have screwed it up so badly that I have to go back to the back up disc that my husband was so nice to have made for me and start from scratch literally!

Enough about my "inadequacies" let's move on to the bizarre! With the holidays past and present, crazy court dates with my previous landlords, family & business responsibilities I have found it increasingly difficult to actually get in any real knitting time that I can call my own. I don't know about the rest of you but, I actually found myself going several weeks at a time without picking up my needles and knocking out a row. At one point it got so bad I found myself one Sunday morning in my downstairs "bathroom" with a cup of coffee and my knitting, door locked, fan on pretending to be using the bathroom for it's intended purpose, but really I was sitting on the toilet seat knitting in progress. This was the only place I could be alone, with my knitting without interruption. Of course that was until my husband became concerned because I had been missing for awhile. I heard a knock at the door, and the voice said "are you O.K. in there". I of course replied "I am fine". The relaxed tone of my voice must have given me away and the next words I heard where "You aren't actually in there knitting are you"? Can you believe it. Men, even my son have been reading in the bathroom for centuries, but I can't knit? Go figure!

The shop itself has been buzzzzzzing with a number of knitting groups, classes and new yarns.
Our open house/knitting lounge on Friday 11/30 was awesome. Thanks to all the ladies that stopped in just to sit and knit. Becky and I managed to get the fireplace working without burning down the building, or burning off our eyebrows, which added the perfect touch to the event. Sarah's December Nights sock pattern is complete and our first Sock Club kit is ready just in time for the holiday season. Her pattern is challenging, but not to worry it's do-able and it's an "Authentic Original". Definitely well worth the time and effort. On Sunday, Jen from Knitting Like Crazy dropped off our latest creation "Hand Dyed Superwash Wool". O.K. it's not just me E.G one of our knitter's purchased 2 skeins of the camo color on Tuesday, she called me yesterday to tell me that it was working up awesome. She couldn't believe how soft it was and of course the color was perfect for the set of matching hats that she was making for her husband, ms. Georgia and of course the new addition to her family that will be arriving in January. Thanks E.G. for your update. We'll it's time for me to sign off, but I promise to better about blogging. See ya soon!


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